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Pharmacy Requirements - Scotland

In Scotland, there exists a set core pharmaceutical services that all community pharmacies in Scotland are contractually obliged to deliver. Every community pharmacy delivering NHS services in Scotland must offer and participate to ensure that all communities have equity of access to care.

These Core Services are:

  • NHS Pharmacy First
  • Medicine Care and Review
  • Public Health Services
  • Acute Medication Services
  • Quality Improvement

In order to locum as a pharmacist with Clarity in Scotland, we require that you commit to prove you can provide the following;

  • NHS Pharmacy First
  • Medicine Care and Review
  • Public Health Services

To make this process as simple as possible for you, this blog post contains helpful tips and links to get you started and point you in the right direction. It also details the sufficient proof that our compliance department will accept to prove that you are trained and accredited to provide these services.


pharmacists at work

NHS Pharmacy First

NHS Pharmacy First Scotland allows community pharmacies to give people expert help for treating conditions such as sore throats, earache and cold sores, along with common clinical conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTI's). Pharmacy teams offer advice, treatment or referral to other healthcare teams if required.

This service will help people access the right care in the right place, without having to go to their GP practice or local Accident and Emergency Department for non-urgent treatment.

In order to provide the Pharmacy First Service as a Pharmacist you will need to;

Once you have completed the steps above you will need to sign this declaration for Clarity, to prove that you are trained and accredited to provide the Pharmacy First scheme.


Medicines Care and Review

The Medicines Care and Review service replaces the Chronic Medication Service but retains the overall aim of providing pharmaceutical care and support for those taking medication for long-term conditions.

Community pharmacy teams deliver both structured and opportunistic interventions to help people get the very best out of their prescribed medication as well as minimising the harm that medicines can do.

How the Service Works:
The key intervention within the medicines care and review service is the pharmaceutical care planning process. Pharmacists are expected to populate a patient profile for each person registered under MCR and to undertake a Care Needs Assessment for them within three months of registration.

Completing these gives you a more rounded view of the patient’s health and allows you to identify those patients who have sub-optimal therapeutic management, side effects or poor compliance. Patients should be prioritised for further pharmaceutical care planning based in the identified care needs.

In order to access the Medicine Care and Review module on TURAS, you will need to login and do the following:

  • Search MCR in the search barScreenshot of the TURAS website search bar
  • Select the module; Medicines: Care and Review (MCR)

Screenshot of the TURAS website MCR module

  • Take the module, and then take the assessment.

Screenshot of the TURAS website showing the Medicine Care and Service assesment

  • Once completed to access your certificate go to; TURAS Home > Learning History

Screenshot of the TURAS website showing the resource section

  • Here you can print your entire learning history or download a specific certificate of completion.

Screenshot of the TURAS website showing completed certificates ready to download


Pharmacy Care Records System Access (PCR)

Having access to the PCR system is a critical component to being able to provide the Medicines Care and Review Scheme.

To gain access to the PCR system, you will need to contact the Local Health Board Contact for the region in which you wish to gain PCR access for. You need to apply for access for each region separately.

Once you have gained access, you will need to sign this declaration to prove to our compliance team that you have access.

Public Health Services

The Public Health Service (PHS) currently consists of 4 elements:

  • Ensuring that there is a health-promoting environment in the pharmacy - including promoting national campaigns using a combination of window posters, promotional materials and staff training (e.g. raising awareness of bowel cancer screening, flu vaccination uptake, hydration etc.)
  • To offer a sexual health service (EHC)
  • To offer a smoking cessation service
  • To offer access to prophylactic paracetamol for childhood vaccinations where appropriate

The Public Health Service aims to:

  • Promote and support a pro-active approach to self-care and keeping well
  • Make use of windows/frontage and/or display space in pharmacies to promote health
  • Provide access to appropriate health education information, materials and support
  • Contribute to the preventative health agenda
  • Offer opportunistic interventions to promote health

For more information on how to get trained and accredited for these, please check out the resources below.

Click here for resources

Clarity requests that you sign this declaration to prove that you are trained and accredited to provide this core service.


Got any questions?

Get in touch with our compliance team today, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us

Posted on 10 February 2023 by Aoife McPadden
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